
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

De brand in Shenzhen

Toen wij het weekend in Shanghai waren, zagen we op het nieuws dat er een brand was geweest in Shenzhen. In een discotheek. Vreselijk. Chiel kon alleen maar hopen dat er niemand van het werk bij betrokken was. Achteraf was dat gelukkig niet het geval maar desalnietemin 43 doden en meer dan 80 gewonden!

De brand was ontstaan omdat er in een dans-show vuurwerk werd afgestoken door een danser. Het plafond vatte vuur en binnen no time stond de boel in lichte laaie. Net als toen in Volendam. Gedver....

Toll in south China fire rises to 44: state media

BEIJING (AFP) — The death toll from a nightclub fire in southern China has risen to 44 with the death in hospital of a women injured in the blaze, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.

It also said in a report late Tuesday that the number of people arrested over the weekend fire in the city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong, had risen to 15.

Previously, 13 were reported arrested, including the club's owner and a local official.

The latest victim was a 37-year-old woman, Xinhua said, adding that another 51 people remained hospitalised, including four in critical condition.

State media had said previously that 88 people were injured in Saturday night's fire at the Dance King club.

The blaze was sparked by a performer who shot off fireworks during a show at the unlicensed club, witnesses and state media have said, triggering a stampede through inadequate exits by hundreds of people which added to the toll.

Deadly fires are common in China due to the routine flouting or ignorance of safety measures.

The government said earlier this year that 159,000 fires broke out in China in 2007, killing 1,418 people and injuring 863 others.

However, the toll could actually be higher as local officials are notorious for covering up deadly accidents to avoid punishment.

In 2000, 311 people died in a disco fire in the central city of Luoyang.

More than 40 nightclubbers died as a fire caused by fireworks being lit on stage swept through a building triggering a stampede for the exits.

Hundreds of party-goers were trapped in a cramped passageway as they tried to flee the inferno. 'There was only a narrow aisle... in the hall.

'Many people got hurt in the stampede. I saw people rushing out... and all the lights were off,' said Yang Zhi, a member of staff, who suffered burns to his neck.

At least 43 people died and another 88 were injured in the blaze and resulting crush.

The fire broke out in a club called King Of The Dancers in Shenzhen, southern China, while hundreds of people were watching a show.

An initial police investigation showed that the blaze was triggered by fireworks ignited on stage during the show.

According to some reports, the club was in a three-storey building and firefighters had to break some windows in the rescue.

Other windows had been blocked by bricks or wooden boards.

Fires and accidents in bars and theatres are common in China, despite government pledges to improve safety.

Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures, such as a lack of fire extinguishers and emergency exits.

In December 2000, more than 300 people died in a disco fire in Luoyang caused by a welding accident.

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